Our story begins with two guys who met whilst studying International Development at the University of East London, Dan and Charles, having just summiting the world's highest freestanding mountain, Kilimanjaro, in 2008. Two individuals passionate for both adventure and charity, they returned to the UK to start an adventure travel company, hoping to share their incredible experiences with as many people as they could. Over the past decade, their dream has evolved dramatically, growing into a leading adventure travel provider, which has raised over £20 million for charity and sent over 12,000 people on life-changing experiences all over the world.



“To create life-changing challenges that bring people together and make the world a better place.”



We believe adventure is the key to life, and that the best way to travel is for a reason. What better way to see the world than through raising money for an incredible cause? We want to use the power of adventure to help make the world a better place, and we believe that you adventurers have the drive and the passion to be at the heart of creating this change. When you get involved in one of our charity challenges, not only do you guarantee yourself the trip of a lifetime, you guarantee that you are going to change the lives of others.



1. Live Life Outside Your Comfort Zone

2. Create Communities

3. Be Authentic

4. Create Moments


Dan Quille, CEODan had never even been on an aeroplane until he was 15 years old. A trip with his school two years later to rural Tanzania to provide school and medical equipment to villagers ignited a lifelong passion for using adventurous travel t…

Dan Quille, CEO

Dan had never even been on an aeroplane until he was 15 years old. A trip with his school two years later to rural Tanzania to provide school and medical equipment to villagers ignited a lifelong passion for using adventurous travel to support good causes.

His challenge highlights over the years include summiting Kilimanjaro (multiple times, despite promising himself on every summit attempt never to do it again!), watching the sunrise over the Amazon river in Peru and drinking Yak Butter Tea with a sherpa family in the Langtang region of the Himalaya!

Mike Cox, Senior Campus Account ManagerMike has been involved in RAG throughout his time at the University of Plymouth, starting the second year as Social Sec and leading into his final year as the Kilimanjaro Challenge Leader and Adventures Deputy.…

Mike Cox, Senior Campus Account Manager, Environmental Lead

Mike has been involved in RAG throughout his time at the University of Plymouth, starting the second year as Social Sec and leading into his final year as the Kilimanjaro Challenge Leader and Adventures Deputy. He loved his time as a leader and found life easy to balance alongside his degree. He has spent time travelling, hiking and exploring in every spare moment for as long as he can remember. From the Atlas Mountains in Morocco to living and volunteering in the Apennines, to Italy for brown bear conservation. He has now worked and led the team at Choose a Challenge for three years and completed the Kilimanjaro trek, Colombia Lost City Trek, Morocco Trek twice, the Lake District 10 peaks and the National UK Three Peaks 7 times.

Ryan Lavelle, Business Development Manager

After a trip to Tanzania aged 18 the bug for adventure travel has been well and truly a part of me. After graduating Loughborough University, studying Geography in 2018, I have worked across Latin America, Europe and Asia with group tour operators. As the pandemic paused our travel plans, I spent my time working and qualifying as a Geography teacher back home in London. Now, I am excited to be travelling again with Choose a Challenge and helping others to do so too!

Tom Jones - Campus Account Manager

Tom Jones - Campus Account Manager

After spending a month in India trekking and working with a charity at the age of 17, combined with a degree in theatre, a normal office job was never on the cards for Tom. He has worked with Choose a Challenge for a few years now as an independent leader taking on the Morocco trek and Kilimanjaro. Tom can either be found wandering up a mountain somewhere, on a rugby pitch, or in the nosebleeds of a West End Theatre.

Katja Millichamp, Operations Manager

Katja has more than 10 years experience working in the Event and Travel Industry, has a Masters in Tourism and has travelled extensively including living in 4 countries.

As our Operations Manager, she ensures everything runs smoothly so our participants can focus on the challenge ahead.

She is unlikely to be the first to the summit (especially with her toddler in tow), but loves adventure travel of all sorts and believes you can always push yourself far beyond what you thought possible.

Sophie - Finance Controller

Sophie grew up in Liberia, Oman, Hong Kong and Singapore and her appetite to keep travelling the world has never stopped. After university (and more travel) Sophie trained as a Chartered Accountant then went on to work for a charity that took her all over the world visiting projects across Africa and Asia. Sophie is thrilled to be working at Choose a Challenge with the ideal combination of travel and charity! 

In her spare time Sophie loves going for walks or playing board games with her family, and occasionally singing in a band with her husband! She also volunteers on the board of a community charity, an amateur dramatic society and the canoe polo club in her town. 



A community of like-minded people, driven by passion for charity and adventure. Our staff and participants follow in the footsteps of that original founding tradition, bringing charity and adventure together to change lives. When you sign up to a challenge, you open up a world of opportunities with Choose a Challenge - from challenge leading, to interning in one of our destinations, to becoming a member of crew.