Thinking about taking on a running challenge or have you already signed up for your incredible event?
Look no further to discover all you’ll need to prepare you for your run, from training guides to health and diet tips!

It's back for 2019! Our legendary Content Competition will be opening in September, and we'll have £100 Cotswold Outdoors vouchers for the best photo, best video and best blog from our Summer trips.
Running apps these days can do it all: track your progress, manage your goals and even share your running journey with your friends. We've reviewed and compared some of the most popular apps out there to help you choose the right app for you.
It can be strange to think of using travel to help the environment. Today, I’m busting the myth that travel is bad for the planet - and I’m sharing my top tips for travelling on an environmental conscience!
When training for your marathon, doing the same runs week after week can get boring and often leads to demotivation. Use these running challenges to mix up your routine and stay on the ball!
Don’t be stuck wondering what to wear and avoid common hassles you’ll encounter by not taking these few tips into account before heading out the door.
With marathon season fast approaching, these staple tips will benefit all types of runner, from the newcomers to budding PB-seekers.
We did it! At the finish line of Paris Marathon, our journey from zero to marathon in 5 months ended. Here's how it happened...
It's almost here! After four-and-a-half months of training, our #NoughtToMarathon journey is almost over. With 2 weeks left to Paris, Lucy and Sam take stock and reflect on the journey so far.
When you're running a marathon, the last thing you need is to be held back by uncomfortable kit or a chafing vest. Take the same approach to race-day wear as you do to race-day itself, and practise, practise, practise!
We get asked a lot of questions in our office about tips and tricks for travelling generally. We thought we'd compile some of our more common-sense tips here.
Wearing the right running shoe will not only make your runs more comfortable, but help to prevent injuries. But with so many different options out there, how do you know which is the best?
Eat right, and your body will thank you for it. But with so much conflicting advice out there - how do you know what you should be listening to? Stick to these 4 simple rules and you should see your running improve in no time.
In our latest #NoughtToMarathon update, we're talking competitive races: the pros and cons of taking part in organised routes as part of your training.
You've probably heard lots of anecdotal arguments about whether or not to drink while training for a race. Here, we offer our tips, tricks, and the bottom line on alcohol and marathons.
The past two weeks have been filled with plenty of ups and downs, but overall, I’m starting to feel pretty positive about my marathon journey.
Incorporating strength training into your plan will not only improve your speed and performance, but help to prevent injuries. Here are our top strength exercises for runners.
Training over Christmas isn't easy. Today, we're checking in with Sam and Lucy and how their #NoughtToMarathon training went over the break.
With the first of our 2018 marathons on the horizon in Barcelona, I thought I’d share my recent experience of the beautiful city with you all.
The festive season is upon us, and we all know that often it comes with double portions of hot toddies, mulled wine and plenty of drinks with friends, just because... It’s Christmas! But can we afford to do this whilst marathon training?
We're running Paris Marathon to prove that you can go from nothing to marathon runner in less than 5 months. Today, I'm talking all about my first challenge: getting out and running despite everything around me convincing me otherwise.
In this #NoughtToMarathon update, Sam explores the first hurdle when it comes to taking on a marathon for the first time: actually getting up and running.
It's not easy to stay motivated over the Christmas period, so we've put together a feel-good Christmas running playlist to help keep you on track.
This Winter, Sam and Lucy made quite a big decision: to go from #NoughtToMarathon in 5 short months. This is the first in a series of blog posts documenting their journey.
For more in-depth, sophisticated marathon training plans, check out these training plans from the running company Asics.
Not everyone who runs a marathon will hit a wall. So, what happens when you do? And how can you avoid it?
Having just returned from the Netherlands and finally gotten back up to speed with the rest of the world, it's time to reflect on another spectacular Amsterdam Marathon!
Runner's World is a fantastic resource for all aspiring marathon runners. Here's a really in-depth guide provided by the team at Runner's World, to help you prepare for your marathon.
We know that each of our trips come with their own unique challenges and pose different questions, so if you have any specific queries or would like to discuss your run further then please do get in touch - we’d be happy to help!